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Harvest Shrimp Incubator Production

- 2018-02-11 14:17:18 -

There are special incubators available on the market, but they are quite expensive. Here we offer a DIY method to provide the same function as the one we use to save you valuable money. Here's how:

a. Take a two-liter bottle of PET (preferably a transparent, such as an empty bottle of apple cedar or Coca-Cola) and cut it into a funnel along the bottom of the bottle.

b, the cap to Phillips screwdriver (diameter and inflatable tube similar) nail piercing, creating a stoma.

c, The inflatable tube will penetrate the bottle cap and be fixed with silicone and leakproof.

d, the bottle cap (placed on the silicone after 24 hours) and the funnel-shaped bottle can be used to lock.

When used, add the brine shrimp into the brine shrimp eggs and hatch water. Connect the air tube to the air outlet of the inflator. However, pay attention to the placement of the inflator should not be lower than the surface of the incubator.